Murder suspect killed in city ‘gunfight’


Staff Reporter :
A man detained for killing a fellow gang member was killed in an alleged gunfight with members of Detective Branch (DB) of Police in city’s Hatirjheel area early Sunday.
Police arrested Nurul Islam with a gun in his possession on Saturday while he was fleeing after killing his gang member identified as Badshah, according to Quazi Wazed Ali, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Badda Police Station.
“Around 2:30am Sunday, police took Nurul to conduct a raid at Badda’s Satarkul to nab his accomplices. “Nurul wounded by a bullet as a gunfight erupted between the members of police and his men. He was declared dead after being taken to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH),” the OC said.
Nurul is one of the four suspects who entered the office of Munshi Overseas at Banani and shoot its owner Siddik Hossen Munshi on November 14, 2017, said Mohammad Shajahan, Additional Deputy Commissioner of DB of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP).
ADC Shajahan said Nurul was accused in several cases and convicted at least in two cases of robbery and possession of firearm
“We have been looking for him for a long time,” he said.
In primary interrogation, Nurul told police that he killed Badshah over a money matter, said Shajahan.
Police sources said, Nurul has been identified by police as a suspect in the murder of Banani manpower businessman. He was killed in a “gunfight” with detectives in Dhaka few hours after he got caught and handed over to police for allegedly killing one of his associates on Saturday.
Locals said that Nurul was caught by mob while he was fleeing after shooting dead of his associate Badshah in the capital’s Badda.
Badshah and several others were sitting at a fish market in Merul Badda when Nurul shot Badsha and tried to walk away, said Kalim Sardar, a fish trader, who along with other locals caught Nurul.
“As Nurul’s firearms did not work, I along with others chased him for 300 yards and caught him near Rampura Bridge. People beat Nurul up before handing him over to police,” said Kalim.
