Munshiganj election violence: 5 suffer bullet wounds


UNB, Munshiganj :

Five people were shot and injured during a clash between the supporters of two candidates of upcoming UP polls at Charkewa in Munshiganj Sadar Upazila on Sunday night.

Police said the clash broke out in Khaskandi and Choto Mollakandi villages of the union between supporters of the Al-backed candidate Afsar Uddin Bhuiyan and the independent candidate Akhtaruzzaman Jibon around 7pm.

Police said miscreants exploded cocktails and opened fire on their rivals during clashes. More than 50 houses were vandalized during the melee.

Five supporters of the Al-backed candidate suffered bullet wounds in the clashes. Three of them were sent to Dhaka in critical conditions while admitted to Munshiganj General Hospital.


According to Al-backed candidate Afsar Uddin Bhuiyan, a number of people, including his supporters Sharif, Saiful, Nazmul, Babu Haldar, Monir and Ramzan, were injured in the attack.

However, independent candidate Akhtaruzzaman denied the allegations and claimed that the AL supporters attacked his followers.

Meanwhile, a farmer, Abdul Haque, 48, died of a heart attack during the clash, police said.

Munshiganj ASP Suman Deb said additional police have been deployed in the area as tension is prevailing there due to the election violence.
