MUN confce at DPS STS School

Campus Report :
DPS STS School Dhaka, an English medium school in the city has recently organised a 3-day long Model United Nations (MUN) conference in collaboration with Indian Int’l MUN.
The opening ceremony took place in Army Golf Garden on the airport road where more than 550 students from over twenty different schools along with the school heads were present. Deputy Speaker of Parliament Md. Fazle Rabbi Miah, MP was the chief guest of the event.
In her welcome speech, Madhu Wal, the Vice Principal of DPS STS School thanked the guests and the participants of the conference wholeheartedly. She said that she, as a teacher and an educationist, is solely passionate in the belief that the future of the world depends on the ability to produce a diverse and diversified nation who will be the architect and the planner of the forthcoming future. To make an efficient nation ready, everybody needs to be committed to the ideals of building up leadership qualities in students. MUN is the ground where they obtain these qualities through the imitation of the real United Nation’s conferences.
DPS STS School hosted the mammoth conference in its own campus in Sector 6 in Uttara on 26 and 27 February. Throughout the days students representing different countries sat together to have discussions in 10 different set up committees. Last day before the closing ceremony they came up with varied written resolutions. The enthusiasm and the overwhelming spontaneity among the participating students created a lively environment. The sessions also included some cultural shows.
The closing ceremony on Saturday evening was magnified with the presence of HE Rashed Khan Menon, honourable minister of Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry. In his speech of the chief Guest he highly appreciated the conference and thanked DPS STS School unswervingly. He said that he was happy to see young children learning to debate in the international field practically through this type of programmes.