Multi-storied buildings, establishments demolished from Buriganga river bank

A hydraulic crane demolishes a multi-storey building from the bank of Buriganga River at Kamrangirchar area in the capital on Tuesday as the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) launched an eviction drive to realm the river lands.
A hydraulic crane demolishes a multi-storey building from the bank of Buriganga River at Kamrangirchar area in the capital on Tuesday as the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) launched an eviction drive to realm the river lands.

Staff Reporter :
Many multi-storied buildings and establishments were demolished on the bank of the Buriganga River for the second day as part of eviction drive.
The eviction drive was carried out in Kamrangirchar area of the city to protect the river banks around the capital city.
On Tuesday afternoon, the eviction drive was carried out on the banks of the Buriganga River by The Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) and its Executive Magistrate Mahbub Jamil.
At that time, BIWTA evicted many illegal occupants including about half a hundreds of semi-finished, slum dwellers and tinshed structures.
As soon as the operation started, the occupiers started removing their belongings.
However, BIWTA has also given one more day to remove large installations or multi-storey buildings belongings.
Authorities said that the eviction operation is being carried out in accordance with the rules.
At the beginning of the operation on Tuesday morning, 10 feet of a five-storey building was demolished.
Then around 25 to 30 occupied establishments were evicted step by step.
According to BIWTA, the operation is being carried out by conducting surveys according to CS and RS Khatiyan rules. The authority also said that the design of the boundary pillars of about 16 old rivers in the area was wrong.
Permanent boundary pillars will be installed after the eviction under the river bank protection project.
On the first day (Monday) of the four-day eviction drive, around 45/50 illegal establishments were evicted.
The eviction drive started from Haslai Muslimbagh area of Beribandh area of Kamrangirchar around noon and continued till 4 pm.
BIWTA’s Dhaka River Port (Sadarghat) Joint Director Gulzar Ali, Deputy Director Ehetashamul Haque Parvez, Assistant Directors Rezaul Karim and Asaduzzaman were also present on the spot.
A large number of law enforcers were also present in the eviction drive.
