‘Muktijoddha Complex’ built in 406 upazilas, 64 districts


City Desk :
The construction of Muktijoddha Complex has been completed at 406 upazilas and in 64 districts of the country at a cost of Taka 1,148 crore.
The information was given at a meeting held at the meeting room of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs on Sunday to review the progress of implementation of the annual development program of the ministry, a press release said here on Sunday, reports BSS.
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque presided over the meeting.
Besides, the construction work is underway in 33 upazilas to this end.
‘Muktijoddha Complex’ will be constructed in 470 upazilas in the country, the release added.
The construction works of 164 memorials and 23 museums also have been completed while works of 86 memorials and 41 museums are in progress.
The meeting further informed that Tk 165.85 crore has been spent till February against the total allocation of Tk 341.59 crore in the Annual Development Program (ADP) of Fiscal Yeat 2021-22 in favor of nine ongoing projects of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs which is 48.55 percent of the total ADP allocation.
At the meeting, the minister directed the project directors to take necessary steps to ensure that the remaining amount of ADP allocation is spent in the remaining time of the current financial year.
At the same time, he emphasized on speedy implementation of project activities by ensuring transparency in project procurement and implementation activities.
Meanwhile, the construction of Independence monument at Suhrawardy Uddayn of Dhaka city (Phase 3), construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex building, preservation of historical sites of the Liberation War and construction of a memorial museum, preservation and development of graves of martyred freedom fighters, preservation of killing fields used by the Pakistani aggressors for genocide during the Great War of Liberation in 1971and erection of memorials, construction of memorials in memory of the martyred allied members during the war of liberation, housing construction project for indigent freedom fighters ,Development of the Project Proposal for Establishment of Panorama in Bangladesh and a full-length film project on ‘Operation Jackpot’ are underway. Besides, the works of four more projects are underway.
