Muktamoni now better


Staff Reporter :
Muktamoni is happy that her abnormally swelled right arm has come down to half of its size after doctors removed a three-kilogramme tumour from it on Saturday.
“I feel well than before,” said elated Muktamoni to her father Ibrahim. She was doing apparently well, said her father.
Muktamoni’s paternal uncle Ahsan Habib said, “We spoke to Muktamoni in the ICU. She told us that she was better.”
A week after doctors found a tumour in an artery of her arm, Muktamoni on Saturday underwent a successful surgery at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH).
The 12-year old girl, who is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, took soup, orange, lemon juice and egg and tea this afternoon, Ibrahim said.
There is no restriction of her meals, said Samanta Lal Sen, Coordinator of DMCH’s Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit, “She is better than before.” the doctor said.
It is expected that Muktamoni will stay in the hospital for six months for undergoing more surgeries. She was admitted to the hospital on July 11.
