Mukta has been prepared for surgery: Dr Mahbub

Her condition slightly improved

Staff Reporter :
Rare disease affected Satkhira girl Mukta Moni has been prepared for surgery, said her physicians at the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH).
“Mukta Moni has been given two bags of blood and one bag plazma. Her health condition is now slightly developed,” Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Surgery Consultant of DMCH, who is responsible for her treatment, told journalists on Monday.
He said, one person needs one lakh to one and a half lakh platelet in blood. If it remains below twenty thousand platelet, it will be considered as a worrisome matter.
“When Mukta admitted to DMCH on July 11, her platelet was only nine thousand. After giving her two bags of platelet now it reached twenty thousand platelet. Hemoglobin in her body also increased well,” Dr. Mahbub said.
The doctor also said that Mukta has been given doubled diet comparatively to her age due to her malnutrition.
Besides, Dr. Samantalal Sen, Chief Coordinator of National Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit, said that Mukta Moni’s health condition developed by three to four percent.
He said it will take long time for her total recovery.
“We trying first to remove her extra illness which created due to her treatment less condition before admitting to DMCH,” he said.
The doctor also said that Mukta Moni needs some surgeries for full cure. He want prayers from all to her early recovery.