Mujibnagar Muktijuddho Complex symbolises Liberation War


Mujibnagar Muktijuddho Complex at Meherpur district is a glorious manifestation of the nine-month long Liberation War of 1971 symbolising all historic events of the country’s freedom striuggle.
The complex has encompasses salient features of the 1971 bloody independence war fought under 11 sectors– from historic 7th March speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Racecourse Maidan to the surrender of Pakistani occupation forces.
“One who did not witness the Liberation War of 1971, he or she can have an idea of the entire war visiting the Mujibnagar Muktijuddho Complex,”
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque told media on Monday.
The historic complex on an 66 acres of land is a testimony to historic events of the War of Liberation during the nine-month long blood-stained struggle of the Bengalis under 11 sectors, he said. More 35 acres of land would be acquired soon to make it a complete lighthouse of the Liberation War, he added.
The complex accommodates war memorial maps of 11 sectors, 40 murals, 30 oil paintings of war heroes of 1971 including courageous role of the freedom fighters and atrocities, killings, tortures and repression on women by Pakistani occupation forces.
It also has a mural of Bangabandhu’s historic 7th March speech, depictions of killings on the black night of 25th March, oath taking of Mujibnagar government led by Syed Nazrul Islam and its guard of honour, a secret meeting of the sector commanders at Teliapara, a meeting for distribution of sectors among the commanders and finally the surrender of Pakistani forces on December 16 in 1971.
The post-liberation government renamed the village Boiddanath Tola under Meherpur Sadar Thana as Mujibnagar after the name of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It erected the main sculpture of 23 pillers that manifest discriminations and repressions by Pakistani government and the history of the struggle and movements by Bengalis during 23 years of Pakistani rule.
