Mujibnagar Day today


Staff Reporter :The nation will observe the historic Mujibnagar Day today (Friday) commemorating the formation of the provisional government of Bangladesh on this day in 1971. Different political parties, socio-cultural and professional bodies, have chalked out a day-long programme to celebrate the day.President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages marking the day.The Awami League central committee will place wreaths at Mujibnagar Memorial in Meherpur at 11am. The party will also organise a discussion meeting there to highlight the significance of the day at Hasina Moncho of Meherpur.Bangladesh missions abroad will also celebrate the day with due honour. National dailies will publish special supplements, Bangladesh Betar, BTV and private TV channels and radio stations will broadcast special programmes on the day. The provisional Bangladesh government, known as Mujibnagar Government, was constituted at the Mango Orchard at Baidyanathtala of Meherpur during the Liberation War in 1971. In the absence of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmad took charge as Bangladesh’s first prime minister. His next task was to record a message on tape and have it broadcast over Swadhin Bangla Betar.
