Mujibnagar Day observed at Kishoreganj

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
The History Mujibnagar Day was observed on Thursday in the district to mark the formation of Bangladesh’s 1st Government to lead the War of Liberation in 1971.
District administration organised a discussion meeting at local Collectorate conference room with Deputy Commissioner S.M. Alam in the chair.
It was address among other’s by Police Super Md. Anower Hossain Khan, CEO of Zilla Parishad Md. Anisuzzaman, Additional District Magistrate Kazi Abed Hossain, District Awamileage Acting President Syed Wahidul Islam, General Secretary Adv M.A Afzol, The Daily Shotabdir Kantha Editor Ahmadullah and JSD, Dristrict President Adv Nazrul Islam Nuru.
The District Awami League held a discussion meeting on this occasion at its Office. Syed Wahidul Islam, Acting President, District Committee presided over the meeting.