Mujibnagar Day observed

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina along with party leaders placed wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Bhaban in city’s Dhanmondi area marking the historic Mujibnagar Day on Friday.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina along with party leaders placed wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Bhaban in city’s Dhanmondi area marking the historic Mujibnagar Day on Friday.
UNB, Dhaka :
The nation on Friday observed the 45th anniversary of historic Mujibnagar Day in a befitting manner commemorating the formation of the provisional government of independent Bangladesh during the Liberation War in 1971.
Different political parties, socio-cultural-professional bodies and government and non-government organisations marked the day with various programmes across the country, including the capital and Mujibnagar in Meherpur district.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina led the nation in observing the day in the morning paying rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreaths at his portrait at the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum in city’s Dhanmondi area.
Sheikh Hasina first placed a wreath as the Prime Minister at the portrait of the great leader around 7 am.
During that time, she stood there for some time in solemn silence as a mark of respect to the memory of the architect of independent Bangladesh.
Later, flanked by leaders of Awami League, Sheikh Hasina also the President of the party, placed another wreath at the portrait of the Father of the Nation.
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, Agriculture Minister Begum Matia Chowdhury, AL Presidium Member Satish Chandra Roy, Prime Minister’s Adviser Dr Mashiur Rahman, Parliament members and other AL leaders were present.
National dailies published supplements while state-owned Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television and other private television channels and radio stations aired special programmes, highlighting significance of the day.
The ruling Awami League hoisted the national flag and the party flag at the Bangabandhu Bhaban and all its party offices across the country in the morning in observance of the day.
Bangladesh missions abroad also observed the day with various programmes.
Awami League leaders and activists also placed wreaths at the graves of Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmad and M Mansur Ali at Banani Graveyard and at the grave of AHM Quamaruzzaman in Rajshahi.