MujibBorsho Celebration To Enlightening The People


Md. MuziburRahman :
It is hoping that all the Upzilas of Bangladesh will be under cent percent electrification by 2021. Some days before, our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her hope that all the Upzilas will come under cent percent electrification by 2021, as the Government has been working to illuminate all the homes across the country. She hoped to give cent percent electricity across the country within the “MujibBorsho” to be observed from March 2020 to March 2021 marking the birth centenary celebration of Father of The Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Steps has been taken short, medium and long term plan for power generation, the generation capacity (including captive) reached at 22,562 megawatts. Initiatives have been taken to reform and restructure the power sector to make electricity available to all by 2021. In order to fulfill the vision and to reach the target, the Government has planned to generate additional 24,000 MWs electricity within 2021. There is also a plan to generate 40,000 MW & 60,000 MW within 2031 and 2041. A policy has been formulated to encourage private sector to generate electricity under Public-Private Partnership (PPP), Rental Power Producer (RPP) and Independent Power Plant Arrangements. Incentives are given to gas-based power plants, coal-based power plants, rental power plant etc.
A long term plan is also taken for generation of electricity for uninterrupted supply of power to industry and production sectors. In the globalized environment of trade and investment, it is most important for a country to be competitive in all sectors of the economy. Bangladesh has made strong progress with the expansion of exports that supported a rapid growth in manufacturing output and employment. Further progress on production, employment, exports and ability to develop a diversified export base will require an efficient and low-cost power infrastructure that will strengthen the competitiveness. In the 7th five year plan, Bangladesh has given the highest priority to improve the electricity.
If the Nuclear Power Plants are installed and commissioned successfully for producing electricity, there may be expected that there will not be any deficit of electricity in the country which will be helpful to supply uninterrupted supply of power to industry, production sectors and to our rural areas. It will help also directly & indirectly to gear up other infrastructures like building, construction, trade & business &connectivity. We are going to celebrate “MujibBorsho” next year. The UNESCO has taken decision to celebrate “MujibBorsho” with 195 countries in the world. We hope that it will be a grand gala celebration keeping our promise by cent percent electrification of our nation in the stipulated time.

(Md. MuziburRahman, writes on development & economics issues; e-mail: [email protected])
