‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan to be implemented in 2030’


‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan’ which has been presented at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will be implemented in 2030 and it needs local and foreign funds.
Saima Wazed Hossain Putul, Chairperson of the National Advisory Committee on Autism and Neuro Developmental Disorders and World Health Organization’s (WHO) Goodwill Ambassador for Southeast Asia, took part in a discussion on the sidelines of Glasgow Climate Conference on Wednesday .
She briefed the representatives of different countries on the Mujib Climate Action Plan.
Saima Wazed said the ‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan’ under the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) will pave the way for tackling climate change and Bangladesh is working to that end.
“If we can implement the plan properly, we will be able to solve the problems related to climate,” Saima Wazed Putul told reporters.
“We gave much effort while formulating this plan. If other countries follow this, we believe, they will be able to protect themselves from climate change issues. Bangladesh has already been able to successfully demonstrate the action that needs to be taken in tackling climate change.”
She added that the ‘Mujib Prospective Climate Plan’ has already been appreciated by world leaders. “Once it is implemented, Bangladesh will go a long way in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
Replying to a question regarding goals of ‘Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan’, Saima said this plan has been formed focusing the next decade. “Through this we will be able to tackle the effects of climate change. With this plan, we will be able to deal with climate change and the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic.”
The damage done to our economic growth by Covid-19 can be also offset by the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan, she said.
Saima Wazed said, “We are losing lives, resources, shelters due to climate change. In addition, many are leading their lives as climate refugees after losing their homes and livelihood.”
Women, children and people with disabilities are under threat due to climate change. All the solutions are there in the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan to cope with the climate change.
“This flagship project is an important step towards green, nature-based solution and offset the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis,” said Saima Wazed.
The 48 countries that are members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum are responsible for only 5 percent of the world’s total carbon emissions. “However, the adverse effects of climate change have posed a fundamental threat to our lives and livelihoods.”
Earlier, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presented the “Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan” while presiding over Climate Vulnerable Forum Leaders’ Dialogue: Forging a CVF-COP26 Climate Emergency Pact at COP26 venue here on Tuesday.
