Muggers snatch Tk 16 lakh shooting trader in city


Muggers snatched Tk 16 lakh after shooting a fruits trader at Badamtoli under Kotwali police station in Old Dhaka on Thursday. The fruits trader identified as Md Badal Munshi sustained bullet injuries on his right thigh. Hospital sources said when Badal along with two of his employees–Bashir and Palash–was going to Islampur branch of National Bank to deposit Tk 16 lakh a gang of muggers numbering 5-7 swooped on them near Nabab Bari and tried to snatch the money. As Badal tried to resist them, the gangsters fired gunshots and fled the scene with the money. Badal sustained bullet injuries of his right thigh. He was rushed to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. — Dhaka, Apr 16 (UNB)
