Muggers’ hey day targeting Eid


THE snatchers, the Agyan parties in particular, are seen more vigilant ahead of Eid. Similarly, the law enforcers seem apparently more active in talk-fests to show that the law and order situation is under control. But the citizenries are suffering from insecurity amidst a sharp decline in the law and order situation in the country. Media reports said, as many as 50 incidents of snatching took place in different areas of the capital only in the last week, especially many have become the victims of ‘Agyan Party’ who snatched them after making them senseless using ‘balm’. Though such heinous crimes are not new, but the apathy of the members of the law enforcing agency smells of an unholy nexus with the hooligans who make extra bucks targeting Eid.
A national Bangla daily reported that there have been more than 380 mugging cases in September from which two died and several were injured. Obviously, the number of incidents that went unnoticed will outnumber the statistics, as many such incidents go unreported, because the victims often do not lodge complaints with the police fearing extra hassles. On many occasions, it so happens that the police discourage the victims from filing complaints, many victims allege. It is, however, good news that the special squads have been deployed to combat this menace. But while tens of thousands of people are carrying cash to procure sacrificial animals, mere deployment of some police personnel is obviously not enough to root out the problem.
Extortion and mugging have become a growing concern in the major cities of the country, particularly in Dhaka and Chittagong. Pick pocketing, purse-snatching, looting belongings and other forms of street crime occur very often, especially in areas frequented by homebound passengers. About two million inhabitants of the capital Dhaka are homebound for Eid. The terrific criminals of Malam party are mainly active in crowded areas like bus terminals, railway stations and launch terminals. Most of the city thoroughfares, roads, lanes and by-lanes have become more vulnerable to mugging in recent days. Culprits use different types of balm or spice-powder to make their targeted people senseless. They often secretly keep sedatives including chloroform in handkerchief and unfold the handkerchief before the passenger’s nose to make them unconscious. Only in this week, at least 200 victims required hospitalization. Undoubtedly, things are taking a bad shape as the law and order situation has critically slid to a low level.
As police claimed intensified patrolling and vigilance, we would like to be assured that the police should arrest the muggers, as they are capable enough to do so. All that is needed is their professional commitment, responsibility and accountability to the people to give minimum security to the ordinary citizens.
