‘Mugger’ killed in M’singh gunfight with cops

UNB, Mymensingh :
A suspected mugger was killed in a reported gunfight with police in the city’s Balashpur area early Thursday.
The deceased was identified as Nayem, 27, prime accused of college student Ibrahim Khalil murder case.
To arrest the accused in the college student murder case, a police team conducted a drive in Balashpur area early in the morning, said Khandaker Saker Ahmed, officer-in-charge of Kotwali Model Police Station.
Sensing the presence of the law enforcers, members of the muggers gang
 opened fire on police, prompting them to retaliate that triggered a gunfight. Nayem sustained bullet injuries on his belly while his other accomplices managed to flee. Police took him to the Mymensingh Medical College Hospital (MMCH) where doctors declared him dead. On January 18, Ibrahim Khalil, 20, an HSC student of Ananda Mohan College was stabbed to death by alleged muggers in city’s Balashpur area.