MP murder proves govt failure: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Monday voiced concern over the murder of Gaibandha ruling party MP Manjurul Islam Liton saying that this incident has proved that the government has failed to maintain the law and order. “A ruling party MP’s killing has exposed that the government has completely failed to maintain the law and order and ensure security in public life,” said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
He came up with the remarks while talking to reporters after placing wreath at BNP founder Ziaur Rahman’s grave along with leaders and activists of Jatiyabadi
Chhadtra Dal(JCD) marking its 38th founding anniversary. Fakhrul alleged that criminals are raising their ugly heads across the country as the government is letting them loose. “Even an MP is not now safe in the country let alone the common people.
There’s no guarantee of natural death as law enforcers are being used to protect ruling party’s interests.” Awami League MP from Gaibandha-1 constituency Manjurul Islam Liton was shot dead in a gun attack at Bamandanga village in Sundarganj upazila on Saturday. Ruling party leaders blamed BNP-Jamaat men for the murder. Reacting to the allegations of the ruling party men the BNP leader said it is Awami League’s old habit to shift the blame of their misdeeds to others. “The truth can never be buried.”