MP Latif blames designer for distorting Bangabandhu’s image

UNB, Chittagong :
Admitting to distorting Bangabandhu’s picture on billboards and festoons set up in Patenga and Bandar areas of the port city, ruling party MP MA Latif on Sunday blamed it on the designer.
He also said he would accept any punishment to be given by the party and its president Sheikh Hasina.
“The mistake was made by the designer as I was too busy with the Prime Minister’s visit. I’ll accept any sort of punishment given by the party and its leader Sheikh Hasina,” Latif told a press briefing at
the Bangabandhu Hall of World Trade Center in the city.
The ruling party MP also withdrew his comment ‘conspiracy theory’, which he made earlier against a section of city unit Awami League to defend himself.
He claimed that the designer and an official of Chittagong Chamber designed the festoons unobserved. “Earlier, I blamed a section of city unit Awami League for the misdeed. However, I uncovered the fact after talking to some people concerned.