Mozammel for more tough measures against war criminals


Minister for Liberation War Affairs A K M Mozammel Haque called for more tough measures against war criminals by amending the prevailing law regarding them.
The minister’s proposals included confiscation of property of the war criminals, arrest without endorsement from the International War Crimes Courts and protection of witnesses at the War Crimes trials.
Elaborating, he said that their property provides a base for their successors to continue their legacy.
The minister was speaking at a memorial meeting for Otto Von Treifer, one of the architects of The War Crimes Law, 1973. Otto died on June 1 last.
The meeting was organized by the Bangladesh Heritage Foundation. Its president Ambassador Waliur Rahman chaired the meeting.
Among others Shariar Kabir of the Killers-Collaborators-Elimination Committee spoke on the occasion. He called for withdrawal of appeal, review and presidential pardon for war criminals.
