Movement must to protect Sundarbans: BNP

Staff Reporter :
BNP senior leader Gayeshwar Chandra Roy on Thursday said there is no alternative but to start movement to protect Sundarbans from the harming of Rampal power plant.
 “There is no other option, but to put up a strong resistance against Rampal thermal power plant to save our Sundarbans,’ he said while addressing a discussion meeting at the National Press Club, arranged by BNP’s forest and environment wing.
Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, a BNP standing committee member, accused the government of trying to set up Rampal power plant to protect India’s interest only to cling to power.
The BNP leader also labeled the Rampal thermal power plant as a threat to our national interests.
 “Our party chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has already expressed her concern about the harming of Rampal power plant. Country’s other environmentalists, Scientists and eminent citizens have also said the plant will cause irreparable damage to the Sundarbans,” he said.
Gayeshar said, the Rampal power plant will pollute our rivers’ water, air and crops. He alleged that the government had put the country in gamble only to secure its power. “This power plant is more necessary for the government to stay in office rather than producing power.”
Labeling Rampal power plant an abandoned project, he said the people of India and Sri Lanka did not allow it to set up in their countries. “Now this project has been imposed on Bangladesh,” he said.
He called upon the leaders and activists of the party as well as the common people to come forward to save the country, especially the Sunderbans. “The destruction of Sunderbans means the ruination of Bangladesh. So, we must be there in the field to resist the power plant,” he said. The BNP leader also alleged that the government is taking big projects to indulge in massive corruption and plundering of wealth.
 “We have been on the streets for 10 years. The BNP leaders and activists will also be there for 20 more years if necessary for protecting the country’s interests. People will keep BNP alive, if we work for their welfare,” he said.
BNP Forest and Environment Affairs Secretary Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul presided over the meeting, while Azizur Rahman, Professor of Botanical Department of Dhaka University and Professor Dr. Aktar Hossain Khan of the same university, among others, addressed the occasion.