Movement against RAB to invite action: Inu


UNB, Kushtia :
Taking a jibe at BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia for demanding the disbandment of RAB, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Wednesday said question does not arise to dissolve the elite force.
“If some RAB members indulge in any crime, they
 won’t be spared. But there’s no question of disbanding RAB,” he said.
He made the remarks while talking to reporters after inaugurating fresh power connections to 700 families at Naoda Kursha, Beshinagar and Ramnagar villages in Mirpur upazila in the district.
The minister also warned that the government will deal with an iron hand if Khaleda Zia tries to wage any movement demanding disbandment of the elite force.
In the wake of removal of three Rab officials from their services for their reported involvement in Narayanganj seven murders, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia demanded that the elite force Rab be dissolved as it is killing people instead of providing them security.
Reacting to Khaleda’s demand, Inu said, “Whether Khaleda will propose disbanding the Army as general Zia had been killed by some army personnel. There’re many allegations against police. So, will she propose dissolving the police force?”
The minister said the proposal for disbanding RAB by a former prime minister like Khaleda is irresponsible, imprudent, politically motivated and conspiratorial one.
Praising RAB for its strong role in controlling militancy, Inu said Khaleda’s proposal for Rab disbanding is nothing but a plot to lease out the country to militants.
He urged the BNP chief to refrain from making any reckless comment against law enforcers.
