Movement after eid, hints Khaleda

UNB, Dhaka :
Dropping a broad hint at waging a ‘peaceful’ street movement after Eid-ul-Fitr with the demand for an election-time ‘supportive’ government, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Saturday called upon people to get united for making it a success.
“The incidents of killing, enforced disappearance and repression on women are still taking place. They (govt) couldn’t do anything to stop those. That’s why people have become fed-up and they may themselves get united after Ramzan against the regime,” she said.
The BNP chief further said, “We think we have to take to the streets after the Eid-ul-Fitr uniting people
with peaceful programmes against the government’s repressive acts and misdeeds. If we can launch such a movement, the country’s common people will also join it.”
Khaleda came up with the remarks while speaking at an iftar party arranged by National People’s Party (NPP), a component of the BNP-led 20-party alliance, at a city hotel.
She said people will not allow anyone to hold any further election under Sheikh Hasina. “I urge all to get united as our 20-party alliance is united, and we’ll ensure a credible election under a supportive government through peaceful programmes.” Referring to an opposition MP’s demand for the continuation of Sheikh Hasina’s rule without holding any election, the BNP chief it is an unjustified demand.
Khaleda said her party wants Hasina to contest the election under a non-party neutral election. “We all have to work with those to be elected by people.” The BNP chief said people are going through immense sufferings as the prices of essentials continue to rise regularly amid the hike of power and gas tariffs. “The prices of all the essentials, including rice, pulse, oil, salt and vegetables, have gone beyond people’s purchasing capacity.”
About the proposed budget for fiscal year 2017-18, she said it will only inflict sufferings on people as the government has imposed huge income tax, VAT and excise duty on bank accounts.
Accusing the ruling party men of torturing law enforcers, Khaleda called upon the members of police, Ansar, BGB and other forces to think deeply whether they should allow anyone to destroy the country and its potentials. “The people of all walks of life should come forward to save the country from the repressor’s grasp.”
She also alleged that the ruling party men are indulging in widespread plundering of public money through corruption in many ways.
Claiming that the country’s people and her party activists are being oppressed by ruling party men, the BNP chief said a ground for a movement has been created in the country. “Now someone will have to come forward to launch it. BNP won’t be afraid of playing this role.”
Dhaka University ex-VC Prof Emajuddin Ahmed, BNP standing committee members Mirza Abbas, Nazrul Islam Khan and top leaders of the 20-party alliance joined the iftar party.