MoU signing on Ctg Alleviated Expressway tomorrow

Chittagong Bureau :
Memorandum of Understanding of Alleviated Expressway (flyover) from Chittagong International Airport, Patenga to Shah Amanat Bridge point is expected to be signed tomorrow (Sunday) at Dhaka with the Chinese construction firm and the Ministry of Housing and Public Works.
To end the continuous traffic congestions over this long route and lack of alternative way from city to airport, this expressway is essential in Chittagong which will beautify the looking of the port city as well as to mitigate the unwanted traffic congestions in this sea port bound road which will help to facilitate the air passengers from tensions of boarding air.
The length of the flyover is about 18 kilometers with breadth of 60 feet into 4 lanes way.
Chittagong Development Authority sources said a 7-members Chinese construction company team led by its Chief Engineeer Mr. Wein Zoaling visited Chittagong aimed at inspecting the proposed expressway on Wednesday and Thursday.
After their visit in Chittagong, the Chinese team members hold meeting with the CDA officials in Chittagong on Thursday and expressed satisfaction for constructing the proposed flyover. CDA Chairman and the Chief Engineer attended the meeting with Chinese construction company.
The chinese team left Dhaka from Chittagong yesterday and expected that the MOU will be signed tomorrow in Dhaka . The estimated expenditure of the AE determined at Tk .2135 cr and the CPA will bear the additional expenditures than the estimated cost.
Mentionable that Prime Minister has recently approve the proposal of CDA for construction of AE after her return from Chittagong recently. Prime Minister’s visit in Chittagong on November 12 last for inaugurating the construction work of Muradpur-Lalkhan Bazar flyover.
During her visit, CDA Chairman Abdus Salam draws attention of the PM for this AE. In this connection, a high powered meeting was held at the Ministry of Housing and Public Works with its Minister Engr. Mosharaf Hossain in the chair on Sunday last. Among others, Chittagong Port Chairman Rear Admiral Nizamuddin Ahmed, CDA chairman Abdus Salam, two representatives of China National Engineering Company were present in the meeting at Dhaka. Sources said Chinese company will finance the preliminary expenses of the proposed project of Tk.2135cr and the additional fund for the project if required will bear by CPA, sources said.