MoU between UCASM, S Korean University


Campus Report :
United College of Aviation Science and Management (UCASM) has recently signed a MoU with HANSEO University of Korea to facilitate specific collaborative program in Training, Research and Development activities as well as credit transfer, students exchange program and other areas of mutual interest.
Mohammad Ali, Principal on behalf of UCASM and Ham, Kee Sun, president of HANSEO University signed the agreement in Korea.
It is now well known in Education and Aviation sector that UCASM is a world class university college, having 5 different departments supported by highly qualified, experienced and skilled Faculty Members. It’s providing specialized courses on Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation Management under BETEC Edexcel UK, CSE under National University and Hospitality Management under City & Guilds, UK. It’s worth mentioning that meanwhile, lot of students passed out from UCASM are serving now in different airlines at home (including Bimans Bangladesh Airlines) and abroad.
About Hanseo University, Korea it may be mentioned that it is a leading specialized university supported by highly qualified, experienced and skilled Faculty Members. Its providing specialized education program on Aeronautics and Arts at a global campus of the west coast area of South Korea, established in 1992. The University has 50 different departments supported by 250 experienced full time faculty members.
