Motorcade of Abu Sayeed attacked

Staff Reporter :
The motorcade of Professor Abu Sayeed, an Oikyafront candidate for Pabna-1 Constituency, came under
attack in Santhia upazila of Pabna on Thursday.
His car was severely damaged in the attack around 1:00pm, our Pabna correspondent reports quoting Officer-in-Charge of Santhia Police Station Jahangir Hossain.
No one was, however injured in the incident, the OC said.
Abu Sayeed was going to Dhopadaho village in the upazila for election campaign from his village in Bera upazila, reports the correspondent.
Prof Abu Sayeed, a former Awami League State Minister for information, joined the Gonoforum, a component of the Jatiya Oikyafront on November 26.