Motor cyclist shot dead on Khulna-Mongla Highway by miscreants

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A motor cyclist was shot dead and two co-riders sustained bullet injuries when some miscreants opened gun fire on them on Khulna-Mongla Highway near at Chulkathi bazar under Sadar Upazila in Bagerhat district on Friday evening, according to a delayed report received here.
The deceased motorcyclist was identified as Hasan Ali (35), son of one Jahangir Ali of village Bagmara under Rupsa Upazila in Khulna district. He used to drive the motor cycle on hire. Bullet injured co-riders are Prodip Kumar Saha (40) and Rafik Khan (55). Both of them are businessmen of Khulna divisional town. Being informed of the matter police of Chulkathi police out post rushed to the spot, recovered the dead body and sent the injured persons to Khulna Medical College Hospital for their treatment.
 Police disclosed with the reference of the locals and the injured businessmen, after collecting cash Taka as their out standing dues from the buyers of the different places of Mongla, Rampal and Bagerhat Sadar they were returning to Khulna by the hired motor cycle and when they reached a place between Chulkathi and Shukdara area of Khulna-Mongla Highway at about 9 pm 3 persons boarded on a motor cycle asked them (businessmen) to stop their motor cycle. But they did not comply with the order.
Then the miscreants opened gun fire on them repeatedly. As a result, the motor cyclist was killed on the spot and the businessmen sustained bullet injuries and fell on the highway. Taking the opportunity the miscreants snatched away about a sum of Tk.3.5 lakh from them.
 Pankaj Chandra Roy, Police Super of Bagerhat accompanied by some other high police officials visited the place of occurrence at the same night. Mahatab Uddin, Officer-in-charge of Bagerhat Model PS told, the dead body was sent to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital for its autopsy.
 In this connection a case was lodged with the local PS. But nobody was arrested in connection with the incident till the writing of this report. Vigorous police investigation is going on to arrest the culprits.
