Mother Teresa

Icon Of Courage For Humanity


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Mother Teresa of Albanian descent was born on August 26, 191 in Skope, Macedonia. She has been given name Agnesa Boiyaksiu by family and nick name Goskasa. Goskasa originally a French word, which means ‘kusumakali’. She was the youngest among three brothers and sisters. His father was a politician. Their family was extremely happy. It was the fate of irony that she lost her father when she was 9. Without the abode they lost all and faced in great danger. As a result of sudden disasters Teresa’s mother was terribly distorted.’ All Family responsibilities were laid upon her elder sister Ayage. The struggle for survival started with the sale proceeds of clothes and embroidery business. From the reality of the life struggle, Teresa took poverty and obstacles as a spirit of courage. Teresa was adept in writing. So many though that, she would maintain her livelihood by writing. But she had her interest in the service of humanity. At the age of 18, she decided to be a saint. At that time, Yugoslav priests performed religious duties in Bengal and India. It was decided that the Irish who belong to Loretta sisters will go to India to serve. Mother Teresa wanted to be involved with them. For this accomplishment, she will have to appear an interview and come out successful. The test will be held in Paris. Will only 18 years old Mother Teresa who is modest, humble and benevolent be a backbencher in any examination of life? After a successful interview in Paris, Teresa and her companion was sent to the Republic of Ireland in Dublin for training and learning in English. After training of 6 weeks, the two nuns started for India on the first day of December in 1928. She came to India and started working as a novice in Darjeeling. However, Mother Teresa does not belong only to Calcutta; she belongs to the wider world where there is suffering and injustice against the poor, the helpless and the sick.
In 1988 when severe flood hit people and crashed public life in Bangladesh, Mother Teresa came forward and extended her helping hands towards the flood afflicted people. During the time of our Liberation War, she moved around different refugee camps and served them in many ways. She started providing food, shelter and care to the Bangladeshi refugees in Calcutta. Afterwards, she came to Bangladesh in 1972 and visited Dhaka several times. It can be said that Mother Teresa’s whole life was in the service of Art. In 1952, Mother Teresa developed shelter and service center for the dying people and built charitable dispensary center. In 1958 she established Gandhiji love home for the treatment of the leprosy patient. To her each life was precious. Given an opportunity one can overcome all sorrows and difficulty and can fulfill their lives with hope. To her life was an adventure, and through her non-stop work to improve the quality of human life she worked unfailingly until the very end of her life.
In 1979, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for her devotion to the service of world humanity. About 50 years in her whole life she was engaged to the poor man’s service. She extended her help towards the orphan. She was very affectionate to the young boys and girls and fed the sick child with her own hands. She has served as much as the mother. As children were brought up by a mother she was too caring to them.
On 5 September, 1997 Mother Teresa died by a heart attack in the Missionaries Charity Hospital of Calcutta. She was then 87. Prominent politicians and heads of government from all over the world like Bangladesh attended the funeral. India’s government at the time showed honor and tremendous respect to this esteemed lady. It is said that only the head of the state like Prime Minister and national heroes are buried with state honor. But Mother Teresa was given that honor. She was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1985, Balajana awards in 1978 and numerous awards in different countries.
Today the way the world is suffering by conflict, violence, envy-hatred, religious misinterpretation, Mother Teresa could play a good role. Though she is not alive today, she is a model for the present world. The world will never forget her sacrifice. It is the responsibility of all citizens to pay respect and salute to her.

(Dr. Forqan is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP).
