Mother, sisters held for accused snatching in Hizla

Barisal Correspondent :
Mother and two sisters were arrested as they snatched an accused injuring five police in Khunna-Govindapur area under Hizla Upazila of Barisal recently.
The injured five police included Golam Sarwar, officer -In -Charge, Zahir Hossain, Sub- Inspector, Mohiuddin, Kamruzzaman and Lucky Aktar, constables of Hizla police station.
Among the inured the OC and SI admitted at upazila health complex.
SI Zahir as complainant lodging a case on Sunday arrested Shanaz Begum, mother, Suma Aktar, Ruma Aktar, sisters of fled accused Mamun Sardar, son of Malek Sardar of the area.
Golam Sarwar, OC of Hizla PS, said police on basis of tip-off operating a drive cordoned and arrested Mamun Sardar, 26, from his home as wanted accused in more than one dozen cases at about 11:30 PM Saturday.
However after the arrest family members of Mamun Sardar attacked and injured police team with sharp and lethal weapons and taking this chance arrested Mamun Sardar managed to flee.Police calling reinforcement succeeded to detain Shanaz Begum, mother, Suma Aktar, Ruma Aktar, sisters of the snatched accused Mamun.
Police started drive to re-arrest fled accused Mamun and his father Malek, the OC of the PS told.
Mymensing Correspondent: Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested close aide of Jama’at ul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB)) former chief Shaykh Abdur Rahman and second-in-command Siddiqul Islam Bangla Bhai.