Stabbing a girl: Mother hands over son to police

Mother hands over son Kawsar Alam Avi to Bogura Sadar Police Station on Sunday for stabbing a college girl in the district.
Mother hands over son Kawsar Alam Avi to Bogura Sadar Police Station on Sunday for stabbing a college girl in the district.

Staff Reporter :
A mother handed over her 25-year old ‘stalker’ son to police for allegedly stabbing a college girl in Bogura. Nasrin Alam along with her son Md Kawsar Alam Avi, 25, went to Bogura Sadar Police Station Sunday night and handed him over to the police, said Bogura Police’s Additional Superintendent Sonaton Chakraborty.
“The mother told he police she did it apart from respect towards the law. She urged us to conduct a proper investigation,” the police official said.
Earlier, Avi stabbed Zannatul Yasmin Zitu after the girl refused his marriage proposal on August 30. “The youth has confessed his crime,” he said.
Contacted, victim Zitu said Avi was stalking her for quite some time now. “He has been proposing me for the last one month. Then he came up with a marriage proposal.”
Refused, Avi along with his cohorts stabbed her in Katnarpara area on Thursday evening while she was on the way to her workplace at Rupchaya Beauty Parlor, Zitu added. Following the incident, victim’s father Zahidur Rahman filed an attempt to murder case with the Bogura Sadar Police Station against Avi and four others, Additional SP Sonaton said.
