Mosquitoes make Sylhet city life unbearable

SYLHET: Asad Uddin Ahmed, General Secretary, Sylhet City Awami League speaking at a human chain protesting drug abuses, gambling and other illegal anti-social activities organised by Haji Tofayel Ahmed Trust at Markaj point on Sunday.
SYLHET: Asad Uddin Ahmed, General Secretary, Sylhet City Awami League speaking at a human chain protesting drug abuses, gambling and other illegal anti-social activities organised by Haji Tofayel Ahmed Trust at Markaj point on Sunday.
Sylhet Correspondent :
Mosquitoes make Sylhet city dwellers life unbearable now a days. Just after sunset swarms of mosquitoes from nearby derelict tanks, ponds, bushes, water bodies and drains invade the houses with full fury disturbing the study of the students, sleep of the inmates and household activities. Even in the daytime city dwellers do not get rid of mosquito bite. City-dwellers are struggling to cope with an invasion of mosquitoes as they are going out of control.
The people of Sylhet become dependent on anti-mosquito products which contain poisonous chemicals. These chemicals are harmful to human body. People especially patients, women and children are facing immense sufferings due to this problem. Piles of garbage near roads and overflowing of clogged drains at many places are spreading foul odor. Mosquito menace is another problem that the city residents are confronting. Residents of Sylhet City alleged that the initiatives taken by the authorities are inadequate to overcome this situation. However, they sought quick implement of necessary steps to get rid of this trouble of mosquitoes.
CEO of SCC Anamul Habib assured, “I will take further necessary steps to control uncontrolled mosquito problem.” It is estimated there are over forty million mosquitoes in the city.The insects are found everywhere, from the homes of the wealthiest industrialists to the lowliest slum dweller. Sylhet street humans could end up breathing poisons although Sylhet is not an area where malaria is common; mosquitoes are responsible for frequent outbreaks of dengue fever. According to the city corporation authorities’, anti-mosquito drives will now be adapted more strongly so they can carry anti-mosquito spray and dissolve the problem. Areas where there is stagnant water will be especially targeted, authorities added