Mosharraf Karim pairs up with Alvi in Eid play for first time


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Earlier as a pair, Mosharraf Karim and Alvi worked together in a single episode play and a drama serial. For the first time, they worked together in an Eid play titled Van Bostro Bitan.
Main concept of the story of the play was given by Ali Sujon. Earlier Mosharraf Karim gave schedule of this play but he couldn’t act in the play. For this reason, to show honour to director he started to take part in shooting of the play on his birthday. August 22 was Mosharraf’s birthday. On that day after returning from Cox’s Bazar after finishing shooting of a play, he returned to Dhaka and started shooting of this Eid play.
While talking about the play its director told this correspondent, “If a man has aim he/she can try to reach his/her destination despite having any barrier. It is the main theme of Eid play Van Bostro Bitan, which will be aired in any channel.”
In this play, after one year Alvi acted with Mosharraf Karim. He said, “Sujon is like my younger brother. I like him. I have liked script of the play. Despite having many engagements I started shooting of the play on my birthday. Alvi is professionally sound actress. I want to say that many good plays could be made casting her. She has that type of capability and skill as an actress. I also enjoyed a lot working with her after long time.”
Alvi shared her feelings by this way, “Mosharraf Bhai is such a co-actor by whom I can learn many things while acting. It is really a great luck for me that I could get the opportunity to work with him on his birthday. If the shooting was done another day I couldn’t wish him. I am also grateful to Sujon Bhai to give me a scope to work in his play.”
Meanwhile, Mosharraf Karim has already finished shooting of Eid sequel Average Aslam under Sagor Jahan’s direction. Besides it, yesterday he was engaged with shooting of a TV commercial under Nafiz’s direction.
On the other hand, Alvi acted serials Alashpur, Tui Ke Aamar, Badshah Sir-er Biye and Jhora Patar Golpo are being aired on RTV, Asian TV and NTV respectively now.
