Moscow companies to participate in Arabia Expo 2019 exhibition April 8-10

TASS, Moscow :
More than 25 Moscow-based manufacturers will participate in the Russian-Arab exhibition Arabia Expo-2019 under the common brand Made in Moscow. The exhibition will be held on April 8-10, the press-service of Moscow’s Enterprise and Innovative Development Department said.
“The 4th international exhibition Arabia Expo-2019 will be held at Moscow’s Manege on April 8-10. Twenty seven Moscow companies will present their goods and services at a common stand Made in Moscow, arranged by the Moscow Export Center (an affiliated organization of the Moscow Department of Enterprise and Innovative Development),” the report says.
This year’s sole Arab exhibition in Russia will bring together manufacturers operating in such industries as IT technologies, education, medicine, industrial production and farming.
“The Middle East is a priority region for Moscow’s exporter companies. In 2018, the top five importers of Moscow’ manufactured products in the Arab world were Egypt ($1.53 billion), Algeria ($1.48 billion) Sudan ($224 billion), Saudi Arabia ($191 billion) and Jordan ($161 billion).
Participation in Arabia Expo-2019 will enable Moscow’s businesses to expand cooperation with partners in the Middle East and establish new business ties,” the press-service quotes the department’s chief Alexei Fursin as saying.
Made in Moscow The program made in Moscow was launched in 2016. The Moscow Export Center has supervised it since the moment it was founded in 2017. The program promotes creation of collective stands at Russian and foreign exhibitions under the common brand name Made in Moscow.
Moscow’s authorities fund up to 100% of the costs of participation at Russian exhibitions and in foreign events. Also, Moscow companies enjoy assistance in holding business meetings with clients and investors.
The Moscow Export Center was created by Moscow’s Department of Enterprise and Innovative Development for providing one-window services to Moscow’s exporters in the field of financial and non-financial support measures and promote Moscow’s products to foreign markets.
Arabia Expo 2019 Taking part in the international exhibition Arabia Expo-2019 will be delegations from 18 countries of the Middle East and 85 regions of Russia.
Its business events are aimed at improving the dialogue between Russian companies and their partners in Arab countries.
