‘More women officers to be employed in higher posts in admin’


State Minister for Public Administration Ismat Ara Sadek said the government is determined to employ more women officers in higher posts in various institutions including in the administration to create ample scope for participation of women in the decision-making process of the state and all the fields of social life.
The State Minister said this on Saturday while speaking at the first Annual General Meeting of the BCS Women Network in the city. Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Women Network was formed in the year 2010 with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for raising mutual cooperation, sympathy and feeling of unity among the BCS women officers and enhancing their professional skill and standard. The organisation has now a total member-strength of nearly 1100.
The State Minister called upon the women BCS officers to play their due role in transforming the administration suitable for facing the challenges of the 21st century through development of their professional skill.
She said that no barrier and any conservative or communal force would be able to jeopardise the forward march of the country’s womenfolk.
Ismat Ara Sadek disclosed that out of a total of 5,174 officers working in the BCS Administrative Service at present, only 931 are women. She expressed her optimism that the number of women officers in the administration would be increased speedily. Secretary of the Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) Department Suraiya Begum chaired the function which was also addressed by Prof Dilara Hafiz, principal of Titumir Government College, Dhaka.
