More VAT collection needed to make country’s economic-wheel elevated

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a post-rally discussion here Friday said more Value Added Tax (VAT) collection is very important to make the country’s economic wheel functional instead of relying on foreign help.
There is no alternative to accelerate the revenue collection from the internal resources to lessen the pressure on foreign aid.
They viewed proper functioning of the country’s business sector and other trade-related activities are the preconditions to uphold the growth indicators that are very important to bolster the economic field.
Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate organised the discussion at Rajshahi Medical College Auditorium in Rajshahi to mark the National VAT Day-2015 and National VAT Week from 10 to 16 July-2015.
On the occasion, 21 highest VAT-payers from different districts of the division were awarded.
Whip of National Parliament Shahiduzzaman Sarker addressed the discussion as chief guest while Commissioner of Rajshahi division Helaluddin Ahmed and President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Md Muniruzzaman spoke as special guests with Dr Abdul Mannan Shikder, Commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate, Rajshahi, in the chair.
“Every one of us should feel about how to develop the nation and how to reduce the dependency on foreign aid,” said Whip Shahiduzzaman Sarker, adding enhanced revenue collection from both internal and external sources could be the effective means of reducing dependence on foreign aid for executing the uplift programmes.