More than 1000 inoculated Covid 2nd dose in Bagerhat


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Some 1 thousand 37 eligible people (who were already inoculated the first dose of corona vaccine earlier) were given the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine in Bagerhat Sadar Hospital and Upazila Hospitals of the district on Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm. On Wednesday afternoon 36 thousand vaccines reached the Office of the civil surgeon of Bagerhat as the 2nd dose. Some 52 thousand 9 hundred 92 people of the district were given first dose of corona vaccine. It was disclosed by Dr. K M Huayun Kabir, Civil Surgeon, Bagerhat.
The Civil Surgeon added, Bagerhat Health department was always very active in order to protect the corona pandemic and as a part of it as many as 52.992 people of the district were inoculated the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. For the 2nd dose some 36 thousand corona vaccine already reached Bagerhat and we have already started the application of the second dose to the eligible (registered) persons and we are in a good confidence that we will be able to perform the second dose very successfully like the first dose of the vaccine.
The Civil Surgeon of Bagerhat further disclosed, some 1 thousand 1 hundred 43 persons have so far been attacked with corona positive and 16 corona patients are undergoing treatment in the Sadar Hospital. 29 persons died of Covid-19 in the district so far. At last an old man named Mosharraf Hossain Hawladar of village Dhalda under Rampal Upazila in the district died as a corona positive patient. In the 2nd wave of corona it is going to take a serious turn. The Civil Surgeon added, we are ready to face the 2nd phase of corona and accordingly, we already prepared as many as 50 beds in the dedicated corona Hospital provided with oxygen in The Sadar Hospital for the treatment of corona patients.
