More moms go brutal

Three other children also killed


Staff Reporter :Three more children left the beautiful world because their mothers did not want them to live long. The unfortunate children’s heartless mothers killed them on Saturday and Friday. The fathers of the children lodged cases against the mothers for the brutal incidents and the police arrested all of them. At Kishorganj, a one and a half-year old son (Mahadi) was slaughtered at Maria Union of Kishoreganj Sadar upazila on Saturday morning. Family sources said Abul Kalam Azad from Kishorganj upazila of the district married Salma Akhter from Kishoreganj Sadar upazila quite a few years ago. They have three children. Mahadi was the youngest. Salma Akhter has been reportedly suffering from mental disease. On February 20, she (Salma Akhter) went to her father’s house at Parabhanga village in sadar upazila of the district. On Saturday morning, she entered a room with her son and locked the door. Salma managed a machete and chopped her son’s shoulder and finally she slaughtered to ensure the death. After the brutal incident, she washed her hands and uniform and told the family members that she killed her son. On information, Police Superintendent of Kishorganj Anwar Hossain visited the spot and arrested the brutal mother. The body was sent to Kishoreganj Sadar Hospital Morgue for autopsy. “It is very regrettable and pathetic incident. I cannot think how it is possible on the part of a mother,” the SP said. In Moulavibazar, a woman tried to commit suicide by drinking toxic at Jury upazila on Thursday night after killing her daughter. Parvin Begum, mother of six-year old Sadia Begum, was admitted to the Sylhet Osmani Medical College and Hospital and the daughter was buried after autopsy.Sadia’s father Jakir Hossain filed a murder case against his wife with the Jury Police Station on Saturday morning. Family and police sources said that Sadia, a class one student, lived with her parents at Jafarnagar union of the upazila. Her father Jakir Hossain is an expatriate. He came to his village home one and a half-month ago after five years from abroad.When he was watching the Bangladesh-Pakistan T-20 match on Thursday evening at a village teashop, he was informed that his daughter was vomiting. He rushed to Sylhet Osmani Medical College and Hospital by a microbus. On the way to the hospital, Jakir observed that his wife was also vomiting. His wife and daughter were admitted to the hospital and the duty doctor declared his daughter dead at 3am on Thursday. The doctors found that the mother drunk toxic. His wife is also undergoing treatment. Jakir shared the matter with his family members and friends. They suggested him to file a case. Officer-in-Charge of Jury Police Station Hamidur Rahman Siddique said, the treatment of Parvin Begum is undergoing under the surveillance of police. “We will interrogate her after recovery,” the OC said. At Barisal, a mother allegedly killed her hearing-impaired four-year old daughter on Friday. But the reason of the killing is still in dark. Imran Hossain Milon, the father of deceased Swapna Khanam Mam, lodged a case against Nazma Begum, mother of Mam, with the Uzirpur Police Station on Saturday.
