More government allocations for the poor


News Desk :
With workers and day laborers losing jobs in staggering numbers, the government has allocated another Tk4.70 crore and 8,450 metric tons of rice as an emergency bailout and humanitarian assistance for the poor and the working class who are badly affected by the ongoing country-wide shutdown. This is the third such allocation ever since the country went into a visible lockdown from March 26, in an effort to contain the spread of Covid-19.
Allocating the money and the rice to all 64-district commissioners (DCs) of the country, the Disaster Management and Relief Ministry has already instructed the director general of the Disaster Management Department in this regard.
In a letter dated April 2, the ministry asked the DCs to follow the instructions in distributing the relief rations among people in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Previously, the Disaster Management and Relief Ministry, in two phases, allocated nearly Tk11.25 crore and 39,667 metric tons of rice for poor people across the country since the lockdown went into effect.
A large number of people, mostly those who are dependent on daily wages across the country, became unemployed due to the lockdown which has now been extended up till April 11.
The government has enforced a nationwide lockdown in a move to implement social distancing to stop the spread of coronavirus.
