More businesses in India re-open even COVID-19 cases surge

Reuters :
India reported on Wednesday 52,509 new cases over the novel coronavirus, taking its tally of infections to more than 1.91 million, nevertheless authorities eased restrictions aimed at limiting its spread, allowing gyms and yoga studios to open.
India is one of the world’s hardest-hit countries, with nearly 40,000 people dead of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
But the health ministry said India’s fatality rate was now 2.10%, the lowest since the outbreak first appeared.
The government has been struggling to stop the spread of the virus while also trying to minimise the economic damage and the hardships lockdowns inflict on the poor.
Authorities in the financial hub of Mumbai allowed shops in malls to reopen after more than four months of lockdown, as the number of cases in the city that was hard hit by the outbreak has begun to slowly decline.