Moral education and ethical values of children

Md. Atikur Rahman :
Due to the degradation of morality, if we can not take timely action when the events that are born around us, than the society and the country will be given a great deal of discretion. Therefore, it is time to take responsibility for family and teachers from childhood, the responsibility of teaching children’s moral and spiritual education. In this context, we are trying to describe the role of the family. Our parents, our brothers and sisters have a family. A baby child grew up in the family 4-5 years before becoming an institutional education. During this time, his mental development and moral character are formed. The baby’s mother coils chalk in the hands of her education. As a result, the children got primary education from the family.
Family first child of scholarly, the value of family education is very much in the lives of boys and girls. The child’s values, emotions, consciousness and faith were born from the family. Children can be successful in proper parenting. Parents try to hold that ideal of their children. Therefore, the duty of the guardians is to play a special role in the development of healthy mental development of the child and the formation of moral character.
When parents, softness, affection and love for their parents, their hearts are filled with joy, which is an essential element for the child’s mental development. On the other hand, cruelty, negligence and violent hostile environment and environment create mental complexity and obstruction among them. Gradually their human virtues become overwhelming and brutal thoughts become active. They are one day become a dangerous and destructive element for human society. As a result, these children who are not exposed to parental contact have become equilibrium due to mental emptiness. To get rid of this emptiness, he once found the company of dishonest, hobbish friends. He does not know that one day he will reach him on the verge of destruction. For this we see that there are many people who are mainly children of rich families. Not only money or anything else, only the parents’ indifference is the reason for their downfall.
On the other hand, I am explaining, according to the information, is that “values are essentially seeds that will go on to determine your child’s behavior and their interactions with the world and its people. Teaching good values to your child before they start school will put them in the right frame of mind and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead. When children are clear about their values, it becomes easier for them to make decisions. Values let your child understand the moral and ethical aspects of being a human, something that helps them develop the right character. Your child learns to respect others and is likely to get the respect of others too.
Values help your child to differentiate between good and bad and how their behaviour and actions affect others around them. Children who have been taught values, and when they have a fair idea of what it means, tend to have more confidence. Such kids are more outgoing and adept at social interactions. They are more likely to show interest in learning new things, gaining new experiences and taking initiative. They begin to understand the importance of cooperation, which is vital for every human endeavor.
A good way to teach values to your kids is to lead by example, wherein your behaviour and actions reflect the values you want your child to learn. Books with stories that talk about good values can also be used to teach your kids. You can interact with them to see what they have
learned and guide them if needed. Here are some of the most important values that you can teach your child before them start school”.
It is a self-evident fact that the parents of the parents of unbearable love in the heart of their parents have been transformed into a mindless, mechanical civilization and consumerist conceptual practice, nowadays, that the parents of a class of parents should build a mental future for building the mountains of money and abundance. Forget the bad guys. At the time when the child’s heart is filled with affection and affection of parents and affection, they give him the job of the girl or the salaried employees.
Human beings are known as ‘people’ but ‘humanity’ acquisition is a long process. Rabindranath Tagore has said – “By choosing between good and evil conflict, by conscience, not by tradition – this is humanity.” Humanity relationship with education is intensive. Education is the path to the overall development of the people. In the best use of the given knowledge, whose skill is as educated as they are? Education is essentially the object that keeps us free from all irregularities, from all evils, from all illusions and fills our lives in rule, goodness, beauty – like the sunny sky, like the ocean, like the great sunlight, like a clear wind, like many rules take us into our own glory. By education, people get the best of open thought, freedom of expression and self-expression, and facilitate the practice of humanism, facilitate and purify them.
Education and morality are like the currency epitaph without human morality, education is the rejection of curiosity, which lowers human beings below the cattle. And the human education full of human morality holds the dignity of creation. Education does not help to develop human beings with humanity. Moral education is an education that combines morality with human life. Intensive relationship between morality and humanity. Ethics is manifested through the gathering of qualities such as honesty, fairness, idealistic attitude. Moral lessons are essential for our great, honest and beautiful life. The big wealth of people is the value of values. Moral education can lead to moral values. The basic foundation of moral education and values is the consistency of the knowledge acquired with the knowledge of the knowledge attained. Moral education is one of the key drivers for humanity. The moral values of human life are the beneficial, judicious and well-thought-out, and the relative criteria for judging the opposite thoughts and thoughts of the mind. Moral values are the behavior of the human life system and the manner of life in a neat way;
There is no lawlessness in society with moral standards. If the society is free from bribery, corruption, deprivation, exploitation and selfishness, then it reflects the morals’ ideology. Moral education and values make people feel comfortable in their mind by making them rich in mind. The person who becomes a man by force becomes a man of all kinds. He recognizes the truth as true, recognizes falsehood as false, which is the result of moral values His ideals are followed by all of the following. Therefore, for the development and progress of the spiritual, social and national life, moral education and values are absolutely necessary. The values of education started from the family. In many ways a child is taught values. To give a salam, good wishes at the time of departure, thank you, do not tell lies, teach a child. The education that the child takes to receive the child is completed after completing the school. The process of teaching the values of values from the child class to the student continues in the process. Education of truthfulness, patriotism, kindness, forgiveness, sympathy, self-sacrifice, humanism etc. children develop as enlightened people from educational institutions. The education that is not able to develop human intelligence or develops heart is not education. Though he is in the highest educational institution of the country, he fails to achieve moral education.
Honesty is a valuable and great quality in those moral qualities that glorify human character. There is no difference between a human and a human in a society where there is no value of honesty. People can not be called moral by excluding honesty. The greatest enemy of honesty is greed and lust. The unlimited high luxury people have driven in a dishonest way. As a result, people have taken their path in the wrong way and become a vile ideologically inhuman country and lead the country and society towards the path of destruction.
Morality adorns human character. If the students are educated in pedagogy they will not have any idea about this society, people, and the world. The family will have to awaken morality in children. Parents are not only concerned about reading and writing of children but also want to teach them some moral teachings every day. They need to grow up so well and arrange for a healthy and normal environment. The guardians can tell about their history, heritage, culture, stories, rhyme and liberation war with sincerity to her child.
Education should play an important role in the development of moral education. Children are educated from social services and human skills. The teachers can convince them of honesty, dignity, transparency, morality, honor of the elders, and the affection of children to these human qualities. A teacher’s important responsibility is to start classes by learning a motto every day. One of the motivators taught by the teacher is to educate and educate a student. Besides, if all the students of advanced and backward students get equal status, it will be a place of honor for all students of the class. One of the objectives of education is to create a developed nation. The teacher can promote moral education among a student and motivate him in patriotism.
(Md. Atikur Rahman, Columnist & PR specialist).