Monitoring team for state-owned banks


Abu Sazzad :The government is contemplating formation of a special monitoring team for the state-owned commercial banks with a view to investigating all the financial irregularities and corruption of the banks, banking sources said.The team will monitor the traditional activities of the financial transactions to stop forgery from the state-owned banks. It will also investigate the previous financial irregularities and corruption of the banks, said the sources. Bank and Financial Division of the Finance Ministry will form the special monitoring team comprising experts of the sector. “It is really surprising that the big loan defaulters are moving in the society as if nothing has happened,” said noted economist and former adviser to the caretaker government Mirza Azizuul Islam. The government has already decided to provide subsidy to the state-owned banks to run their business smoothly, he said, adding it is very astonishing when a commercial bank repeatedly failed to achieve profit.Mentionable that some vested groups like Hallmark and Bismillah Group have plundered several thousand crores of take from the state-owned banks, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Executive Director M Mahfuzur Rahman told The New Nation on Thursday that BB, Bank and Financial Division of the Finance Ministry will jointly monitor the state-owned banks.
