Monir Khan releases new song today in his YouTube channel


Entertainment Report :
The National Film Award winner popular singer Monir Khan launched his own YouTube channel, MK Music24
in 2018. Now there are 100 songs in his channel. After launching his YouTube channel, Monir Khan has concentrated himself with it since 2018. He will release his new song titled Nidoya Bondhuare today at 4:00pm on his YouTube channel. Manik Chan wrote lyrics of the song while Shimul Hasan composed its tune. HR Liton has arranged music of the song. Jibon has made its music video. While talking about his new song Monir Khan said, “The theme of the song is a complexity of relationship. It is basically a folk based song. I always feel comfortable to render this type of song. I have liked lyrics and tunes of the song. I hope listeners will enjoy the song.”
Monir Khan informed that in 2018, his song Ghum Nei Duti Chokhe was first released on his YouTube channel. Liton Shikder wrote lyrics of the song while singer
Monir Khan himself composed its music. Monir Khan is excited because from 2018 to 2021, 100 songs have
been released in his YouTube channel.
