Monipur School’s guardians demand tuition fee cut

Guardians of students at Monipur High School and College block road in front of the institution's Rupnagar branch in Dhaka on Saturday, demanding tuition fee cut.
Guardians of students at Monipur High School and College block road in front of the institution's Rupnagar branch in Dhaka on Saturday, demanding tuition fee cut.

Staff Reporter :
A group of guardians and students of Monipur High School and College have staged a demonstration demanding the reduction of tuition and examination fees.
The rally was held in front of Monipur High School and College, Rupnagar branch, at 12:00pm on Saturday.
The guardians have been asking for the last few days demanding reduction of tuition fees by 50 pc. They talked with the school authorities for several times. But the authorities did not respond to their demands.
Hannan Talukdar, one of the guardians, said that the school authorities have arranged online final examination for collecting tuition and exam fees. They have announced that the students who would not pay the exam and tuition fees, they would not be allowed to sit for exam.
Besides, those students who would not pay fees, they would not be promoted to the next higher classes, the school authorities informed the guardians.
Guardians alleged those who are in the lead are being threatened by different quarters. Even, the authorities intimidate them that their children’s studentship would be canceled.
However, the protesting guardians said that they would continue their struggle until their demands are met.
