Mongla EPZ organizes investment seminar


Economic Reporter :
Mongla EPZ has arranged an investment seminar to promote investment in the Mongla, Uttara and Ishwardi EPZs located in South & Northern region of the country on Monday at the conference room of MEPZ. This seminar was organized to attract more investment in these three EPZs.
In the inaugural speech Md Mahmud Hasan, General Manager of Mongla EPZ briefed over the success scenarios of investment, export & employment of the EPZs of the country.
He started activities of the seminar through multimedia presentation describing the congenial investment climates prevailing in the Mongla, Uttara & Ishwardi EPZ and afterward-video documentaries on BEPZA & EPZs were shown.
Mahmud Hasan urged the entrepreneurs to avail the opportunity to invest in the 50 vacant plots of Mongla EPZ, as well as in the Uttara & Ishwardi EPZ. He also focused in the seminar seven years tax holiday, reduced rate for land and standard factory building, logistic facilities and communication system which is contributing an important role in the export of Mongla, Ishwardi and Uttara EPZ. In future the investors will be more privileged to manage their business market through the Padma Bridge and construction of airport at Bagerhat.
In addition, construction of rail track is going on which will ease the movement of workers side-by-side export activities. Hasan said, plenty of female labours are working in Mongla EPZ and they are coming from far away with inadequate public transport; in this context to support female workers BEPZA will build a dormitory as instructed by the Prime Minister.
Nazma Binte Alamgir, General Manager (PR) drew the attention of the guests about the information package endowed with a special report on a comparison between these three EPZs & other EPZs and future possibilities of those EPZs.
