Momo in restless play Jolchhobi

Entertainment Report :
On the occasion of Eid
popular TV actress and once Lux superstar Zakia Bari Momo acted in restless play titled Jolchhobi, which will be aired on SA TV tonight at 9:00pm.
Directed by Kawshik Shankar Das story of the play was written by Monsur Rahman Chanchal. Besides Momo, Tawsif also acted in an important role in the play.
When Mr Parvez was all
set to take his meal after brining a girl named Jol in his residence a phone call comes from his office to
go there. He has to attend an emergency meeting at his office because buyer
will have to leave country that night.
Jol doesn’t know what to do. In the meantime, Said comes to that residence.
He is only son of Mr Parvez. Father is all in all
to Saif after deceasing his mother. He likes Jol to see. Later they pass some nice moments together.
But Parvez becomes tense how he will introduce Jol
to his son. Story of the
play gets momentum.