Momen-Raab talks in London soon with focus on boosting ties


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen will have a meeting with his British counterpart Dominic Raab in London in between his visit to Switzerland and the Netherlands, and discuss ways to further strengthen the relations between the two Commonwealth countries-Bangladesh and the United Kingdom.
Dr Momen said Bangladesh High Commissioner in London Saida Muna Tasneem informed him that there
has been no meeting with the British Foreign Minister for a long time and Dominic Raab has already given an appointment to sit in a meeting in London.
“I’ll also have a separate meeting with Alok Sharma (President of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in London,” the Foreign Minister told UNB.
“Things are being finalized,” he said, mentioning that he will visit London in between his visit to Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Dr Momen will also attend programmes like a meeting with businesspeople during his busy stay in London, a senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told UNB.
He will leave here on Sunday morning beginning his tri-nation visit, said the official.
The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on October 31 to November 12. Apart from the bilateral issues, vaccine cooperation and removing Bangladesh from the red list (for entering England amid the pandemic) are likely to be discussed, said a diplomatic source.
Bangladesh finds no justified reason to see it on the red list as the Covid-19 situation is not that much bad compared to other countries which are not on the red list, said an official.
If anyone from a red listed country enters the UK, he or she must book a quarantine hotel and coronavirus (Covid-19) tests which is quite expensive.
