Momen for cooperation among nations to improve Covid situation


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has put emphasis on strong cooperation among the nations to improve the current Covid situation across the world, including in Bangladesh.
“We must extend cooperation to the best of our abilities … Through cooperation we can certainly minimize the sufferings,” he said.
The foreign minister made the remark while receiving 50 10L Oxygen Concentrators and 1.5 m surgical masks as donation from Singapore Red Cross Society at the state guest house Padma on Monday afternoon.  
Dr Momen said the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is keen to maintain a proper balance between life and livelihood in managing Covid and as a result, the national Covid response of Bangladesh has been more successful than many other countries.
“Still Bangladesh has been trying to get more healthcare measures in anticipation and is determined to improve the situation through cooperation with friendly countries,” he said. He thanked the Singapore government and Singapore Red Cross Society for the medical supplies as the need for oxygen concentrators are very critical now.
“Tuesday’s event marks a new milestone of bilateral cooperation between Bangladesh and Singapore,” he said.  
Recalling with gratitude that Singapore was the first country to send relief to Bhasan Char after Bangladesh government relocated Rohingya refugees there, Momen said the two countries take a common stance in different global forums on cross-cutting issues.
Noting that Singapore is among the top five sources of FDI in Bangladesh, the foreign minister hoped that Singapore would come up to invest in the Special Economic and Industrial Zones in Bangladesh.
He said Bangladesh and Singapore share a significant volume of bilateral trade while the country hosts a sizable number of Bangladesh diaspora.
“I firmly believe that in the coming days our leadership, academia, professionals, civil society representatives, and community leaders will take new initiatives which would contribute to the betterment of our two peoples and bring us even closer,” he observed.
