Momen explains ‘living in heaven’ comments


Staff Reporter :
Against a massive repercussion from different quarters and critics over his statement that Bangladeshi people are living in the paradise, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen now said that his comments had been twisted.
He clarified that he made the remarks while comparing the economic conditions of different countries with Bangladesh which is better than other countries under the global economic meltdown.
But his comments have created backlash among people and even in the government and the political parties. It has been said that such remark of him has been ’embarrassing’ the country’s poor economic situation.
On Friday, Dr Momen in a view exchange
 meeting in Sylhet said that Bangladesh will not be a Sri Lanka as its condition is far better compared with other countries and people here are living in heaven.
Just a day after his remarks about Bangladesh economic situation, the Foreign Minister on Saturday blamed the media that his statement has been twisted because he did not mean that Bangladeshis are living in heaven.
“I said we are happy and in paradise compared with the economy of other countries. You (media) have twisted it” he added.
He also said that the media did not mention about the inflation in Bangladesh which is lower than another countries.
“Media did not mention about the inflation in Bangladesh which is lower than that of other countries. Sri Lanka is facing 150 percent inflation, Pakistan 37 percent, Turkey 67 percent and England 12 percent while Bangladesh is only seven percent. Bangladesh is doing better in this sense,” he pointed out.
“Our performance is better than other countries. That’s why I compared Bangladesh with them and said that we are in heaven,” he added.
Earlier on Friday, Dr Momen also said that Bangladesh has enough reserve and trying to be economical to contain the current crisis and the crisis in the days to come.
Meanwhile, Awami League General Secretary and Road Transports and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader in the party office meeting on Saturday told the party leaders to be more cautious while talking.
“I will tell our leaders and workers that everyone will be cautious in their speech and behave properly. Nobody should deliver any senseless speech. Nobody should be flaunting of power. We have to stay beside people in cool head. This is the big message for today,” he added.
He also said that the whole world is in crisis and Bangladesh is also facing its negative impact.
“We know that people are in trouble. The cost of living has been increased. People are suffering. This is true. But we had no other options,” he added.
