Happy Quarantine Birthday: Mom wishes son despite pandemic barrier

Mridula Matin :
With the pandemic of coronavirus, you have grown to 5 years today. It has been 5 years you have rain bowed my entire world, where all the seven colors of life is playing with its full glory. Like other mothers, it was not so easy to save you from dangers of entire world. From the moment you have your heartbeat from the then you are my only priority. From 2015 Mahir Abrar Evan, is a name of a glorious star who is a fighter, a brilliant sculpture of the world. Tomorrow you will celebrate quarantine birthday, when the whole is world is fighting with an invisible negative power named Corona Virus, which is increasing day by day and keeping us away from all our normal activities of life. Nowadays, baby s’ need to know what is quarantine, it must be very difficult to parents to keep their baby in home making different excuses. Child psychology is becoming difficult to adjust with this situation so the parents. Like me all parents are worried of maintaining their child daily life. Nevertheless, it has been tough for me as well but I have been stronger to keep you safe from this silent killer. I have been maintaining your life with some regular activities that help of being normal.
Getting vitamin D is important as per doctors’ advice, which is maintained by taking you to regular sunbath within 11am to 3.30pm. Having food contains omega 9,3 helps to build strong immunity. Vitamin C is much more essential that can help to fight with this COVID19. These helps to build physical strength but mental strength is needed to be strong enough. In these days, parents get more then relax time to spend with child. Make it time befitting, make it worthy, make it quality full. Here I have managed by bringing different toys stuffs that is helps to you learn. Watching together different education sites for baby that helps you to gather basic education. In this situation I am thankful to your first school ‘School of The Nation; who brought regular online classes for play group. With this, baby spend quality time regular basis that does not let them to forget that they have a school. Meeting teachers, friends give mind a fresh look. Keeping a healthy relation between parents also makes child smiley. Hopefully, with this we will pass our hard time together. Like other baby you will find a free space in future where all of us will enjoy a new birthday year.

(Mridula Matin is English News Caster, Bangladesh Betar).
