Mohiuddin Chy blames city Mayor over sufferings of city dwellers


President of Chittagong City Awami League and former Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) A B M Mohiuddin Chowdhury expressed dissatisfaction over the activities of the incumbent Mayor A J M Nasir Uddin as he failed to solve the peoples sufferings of water logging and increased the taxes without any services.
 A B M Mohiuddin Chowdhury left Chittagong for performing hajj on Saturday and met the journalists at his city residence and said, “People are angry over the autocratic speeches of incumbent Mayor A J M Nasir Uddin.
He criticized the incumbent mayor saying “People of Chittagong cannot come out of houses on the road as the condition of roads are the worst. Although the incumbent mayor talking more, working nothing.”
Former Mayor said before mayoral poll, incumbent mayor committed to the people for better civic services . But now he is only talking. He is talking on stage, he is talking in car. He is talking everywhere. But he is doing nothing for Chittagong causing intolerable sufferings of the people. ‘
A B M Mohiuddin Chowdhury firmly said, “I had stopped talking over the activities of lawmakers and mayor. But, after returning from hajj, I will talk to the people again. I was never silent while my people were suffering a lot.”
