Mohila Dal rally on Int’l Women’s Day foiled

Jatiyatabadi Mahila Dal, woman body of BNP was not allowed to hold rally in the city on the occasion of International Women's Day by police on Saturday.
Jatiyatabadi Mahila Dal, woman body of BNP was not allowed to hold rally in the city on the occasion of International Women's Day by police on Saturday.

Jatiyatabadi Mohila Dal, the woman body of the BNP, on Saturday failed to hold its programme in the city as police objected. Mohila Dal designed the programme on the occasion of the ‘International Women’s Day’.
The leaders and the activists of the Mohila Dal gathered in front of the BNP’s Nayapaltan central office to bring out a procession in the morning. Police stopped them, saying that the programme was arranged without permission.
BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir was the chief guest.
After police’s obstruction, the Mohila Dal immediately organised a press conference at the Nayapaltan office where Mirza Fakhrul was present. He protested and condemned the police action, saying that the Mohila Dal had the right to hold the programme.
But police obstructed it as part of the government’s undemocratic behaviour against the BNP. The Prime Minister, Speaker and the opposition leader are all women. But Mohila Dal’s procession for Women’s Day was stopped. It is very unfortunate, he added.
He, on behalf of the organisation, said that they would hold black-flag rallies in districts across the country on Monday in protest of the restriction.
Mohila Dal President Nur-e-Ara Safa and its General Secretary Shirin Sultana also attended the press conference.
Shirin Sultana claimed that they had submitted a letter to the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), seeking permission for the programme. Mirza Fakhrul also said that a letter was sent to the DMP seven days ago.
However, the police, who were on duty at Nayapaltan, said that they had not received any permission for the programme from the DMP office. So they did not allow the Mohila Dal to hold the procession.
